
アリスハウス2 No.01 鏡の中の家





  1. 匿名 より:

    MM :

    Yadanars Three :
    .. How To Get The Code For Cabinet Plz Help Me Even Seeing The Hint Book Also Iam Not Getting Even Though I Tried All Possible Ways

    Look At The Please Book On The Table.
    It Looks Like A Letter But It Is A Number.

  2. Chara より:

    Why does inside the hint book it says jabberwocky?

  3. 匿名 より:

    How to open. The wall decora

  4. Palak より:

    I can’t find the code of the cupboard

  5. 匿名 より:

    Look in the hint book to see the word pose and read it backwards as numbers.

  6. 匿名 より:

    Can’t find the code to unlock the cupboard please help

  7. Meha より:

    What do you do with the book?(•~•)

  8. 匿名 より:

    I did that dont work

  9. 匿名 より:

    ماذا نفعل بالساعة وصورة الفار

  10. 匿名 より:

    رجاء اريد حل الساعة وصورةالفار

  11. 匿名 より:

    What’s the code of the cabinet?

  12. Deziray より:

    How do u complete the puzzle for the clock .what do you need to turn the nozzles

  13. 匿名 より:

    What seen clock and cat pic’s where is key of wall pic’s

  14. kamale より:

    How to find mirror

  15. 匿名 より:

    K :
    I do not know the 4-digit number
    Please someone please help ~ ~</

  16. 匿名 より:

    i did that but it didnt work

  17. Jessi より:

    See the cats picture, some cats were moving there hand . Apply these orders in the clock . If it is right one key will come out used the key to open it.

  18. みく より:


  19. Donna より:

    what to do with the fireplace

  20. Αλικη より:

    Ποιος είναι ο τετρψηφιος αριθμός για να ξεκλειδώσεις την ντουλάπα ? ? ?

  21. Kam より:

    I to do know the 4_digit number please help me

  22. 匿名 より:

    K :
    Of 4-digit number you do not know the guy ~ ~
    Please help someone ~ ~

  23. Kam より:

    Please help to find the 4_digit number somebody help

  24. Kam より:

    Howbto find the letters as number it was not coming

  25. 匿名 より:

    Anonymous :
    I can not unlock the shelves.
    I found a book, but I can not solve it.
    Please hint

    Jabberwockey pose

  26. ... より:


  27. Hola より:

    How to use a White King

  28. 匿名 より:

    Как пройти 1 комнату

  29. Seika より:


  30. 管理人 より:

